Notion Second Brain
Get productive & organize your life with Notion Second Brain
Organize every aspect of your life and plan your days with the Notion Second Brain template. This dashboard will help you save time and get more things done by allowing you to prioritize tasks, manage your projects, track your goals, save important resources, etc.
Never used PARA/Second Brain? All good. This template is created so you can pick it up and immediately start using it without any worry. As long as you have a basic understanding of how to use Notion, you'll be all set.
Preview of the Notion Second Brain home dashboard view
What's included:
Task manager
Organize your to-do list and prioritize tasks. -
Project manager
Complete your small, medium or large projects faster. -
Goals tracker
Create and accomplish your life goals. -
Daily planner
Become more efficient by focusing on your daily to-do list. -
Weekly reports
Recognize accomplishments and reflect on your week. -
Organize your projects, tasks, resources and more by category. -
Resources database
Save important articles, videos, tools, and more. -
Notes database
Save important information in one place. -
PARA Method
A simple system to help you stay organized, effortlessly. -
Mobile optimized version
Navigate your workspace faster on mobile.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Notion?
Notion is a free project management and note-taking software that offers an unparalleled level of customization. You can download it here. -
What is the PARA Method?
PARA is a simple productivity methodology created by Tiago Forte that stands for Projects, Areas, Resources & Archive. This system allows you to quickly capture ideas, tasks, and more in Notion, and then allows you to get things done efficiently with an organize project management dashboard. Learn about the PARA Method -
Can I become an affiliate?
Absolutely, click here to sign up. -
Do you offer custom Notion solutions for businesses or individuals?
I do. Feel free to send me an email at with what you have in mind!
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